Hello dear friends! We have really made it! Now there are more than 3000 videos online since we started! And new videos are added every day. It's hard work but there are worse things than staring at naked people all day long... And we would like to thank all of you who have helped to make this site so big. We don't use ads and links and popups because we want you to get exactly what you pay for. And save a lot of time and effort. Our videos are absolutely unique and can only be seen here. Who wants to see the same videos over and over again on all the portals? That's boring. With us you only see real people who don't even know that they are being filmed. So they always behave naturally. Some just relax in the water and others show how horny they get. If you watch our videos you will see incredible things, for example teens satisfying themselves with the help of underwater massage and couples fucking properly. And all this in public because it makes them extra horny. We don't have any porn stars who will soon be replaced by AI anyway. Here you see real people like you and me living out their lust uninhibitedly. And who doesn't know that. Being naked in the water makes you horny, doesn't it? So have fun with our incredible videos! By the way: The next goal is 4000 videos!!!

12 months ago

Hi friends, we got new and bigger and better servers but unfortunately during the server move 2 videos from yesterday got lost . We were also offline for a short time until the Content Delivery Network updated the new IP's. In addition, the already prepared videos for today are also gone. But don't worry: We are uploading them again and within the next hours ALL videos will be available again. We are really sorry but this happens. The Apple Store was also offline for hours today ;-) So stay tuned and look forward to an especially awesome video! Have fun!

1 year ago

Hello friends of the beautiful underwater world! We work hard to present you every day new exclusive videos and hardly get to say a personal word. We want to say thank you to all of you who make this unique site possible. Every member helps us to show even more underwater videos. Without your support this would simply not be possible. So thank you very much! Now we have already published far more than 2000 videos and there are more every day. And if you follow us for a long time: We have kept all promises! With your help we can go on and the next goal is 3000 videos. Have fun with it!

1 year ago

Hi friends, just wanted to tell you about two new reviews. One is a bit older - about 1,000 videos older - but we didn't link it. And the 2nd review is a summary of several reviews. Check out our review page and read what others say about our site and our videos. By the way: We already have almost 1.900 videos online and it's getting more every day! Thanks to all our supporters, friends and paying customers! Without you all this would not be possible. A big thank you! So we can continue and present you always new videos. Have fun with it!

1 year ago
April 11th 2023 - MORE THAN 1.730 VIDEOS!

Hi friends, we continue our work in this new niche of adult entertainment. Now we have more than 1.730 videos online and we will break the 2.000 in about 3 months. I hope you will be with us then and we can celebrate together. What about an underwater party with some cute girls? We all dream of it and you can watch it here. Thank you for your loyalty and have fun with all our videos! Kind regards P.v.D.

1 year ago
March 12 2023 - MORE THAN 1.600 VIDEOS!

That's incredible! We have already published more than 1,600 videos! These are all 100% exclusive videos that are only available with us! Yes, it costs something to join us, but we have the motto "content is king" and we try really hard to show you these videos. And all WITHOUT ads, pop-ups and opening tabs! Here it's all about what you don't see otherwise: fucking couples and naked horny girls who even masturbate sometimes! And girls girls girls. And everyone thinks no one can see them underwater.... But you do! We continue to work on the 2,000 goal Have fun!

1 year ago

Hello friends, there is a new review on reviewporn.com! Here is the link: https://reviewporn.com/straight/voyeur/underwater-sex-cam Our site has been extensively tested and we have achieved 86/100 points. So we are also here in the category "VOYEUR" on place 1! In this industry there is an old saying: "Content is king"! Beyond all marketing tricks and user guidance, it's the content that counts in the end. And our videos are really unique and can't be found anywhere else! We soon have 1,600 videos and continue to work towards our goal of 2,000 videos. We are very happy if we continue to accompany us and wish a lot of fun with our videos! Your UWSC Webmaster

1 year ago
February 20th, 2023 - Pay with Crypto

Good news for all who might have problems to pay with their credit card or don't want their wife to see it ;-) From now on you can also pay with crypto-currencies. For this we use the super service of coinpayments.net We have now fully integrated the payment. Unfortunately, it is more expensive for us and the exchange and exchange rate fluctuations are also. But so finally all can join us who may not have a credit card or it just does not work. Have fun also furthermore!

1 year ago
February 19th, 2023 - 1.500+ videos!

Hello friends of the special underwater world, You may have seen it already: We now have more than 1,500 videos online! And there will be even more. Our next goal is 2,000 videos! It's really HARD to see naked people every day but we keep going. After one month with the new design and the new servers we really hope you are satisfied. You can also contact us via "Support" if you want to know anything or have any questions! And try out the new possibilities! You can create your own playlists and have your hottest videos always at hand. That makes every day more beautiful. Have fun furthermore!

2 years ago
January 17th, 2023 - NEW DESIGN

Dear friends and customers, we have a new design! From now on you can - Comment videos - Rate - Create playlists - Change your profile - Find videos faster There are still a few minor issues, but we hope to get that sorted out this week. We hope you like the new design and will continue to show you many new videos. Have fun with it!

2 years ago
27 Dec 2022 - 1300 Videos online!

We've already put over 1,300 videos online and we're continuing. There is nothing more awesome than naked skin in the water and we are really experts! With us there are only real people having real fun. No fakes, no actors but real horniness. Have fun!

2 years ago
Oct 25th 2022 - 1.000 videos online!

Hello friends of aquaphilia! We have made it! Over 1.000 videos are online!!! That's almost 100 hours of fun underwater with sexy girls masturbating, fucking or just looking beautiful. Our next goal? Of course 2000 videos! Have fun!

2 years ago
Join now for access to 4450 videos and 345 hours. Get Access