About filming

2 years ago
Have you ever filmed or photographed underwater? It's not easy anyway. Our cameramen can tell you a thing or two about it. Of course, the lighting conditions are not always optimal and depend on the time of day and the weather. Sometimes the water is just not that clean anymore - who knows what people have sprayed in there! But don't worry: You can't get pregnant from sperm in the water...

It is a huge difference if you can film 12 o'clock at noon in the sunshine or in the evening in the dark with one of the permanently mounted swimming pool lamps. Then maybe the backlight comes in addition or some perverts disturb the shots ;-) In addition, of course, you can't use a full-frame camera with a giant sensor, a giant light and a 35mm f/1.0 lens and all that in an underwater housing. Such a huge equipment would be a bit too conspicuous... We don't want to disturb our protagonists in what they are doing. As you can see in our videos, many women masturbate completely uninhibited under water or fuck with their boyfriend or husband. That's why the quality of the videos is so different and the work with them is always a challenge.

But one thing I can tell you: All videos are real and simply authentic. You can see and feel that - you know exactly what I mean. Have fun with it!
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